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Crystal Healing Information

Blue Lace Agate - Opens the Throat Chakra. A supportive stone.  Imparts a sense of strength mentally and physically.  Balancing and grounding on all levels. Helps to make self-expression easier and validating one's emotional truths. A nurturing and supportive stone that helps neutralize anger and mental stress.

Botswana Agate - Opens the Crown Chakra. A comforting stone that helps one handle change in a positive way. Helps bring up repressed emotional issues that need to be addressed so that they can let go. Helps one achieve and cope with success. A stone of sensuality. Helps to bring energy out into your aura.

Moss Agate – A refreshing stone. It aids emotional healing by releasing fear, stress and anxiety. Increases abundance and prosperity by inspiring new ideas and optimism.

White Agate - Opens the Crown Chakra.  Known as the strength stone, mentally and physically. Balances and grounds on all levels. Helps to improve concentration and perception. Soothes and calms inner anger and tension. Helps to overcome negative emotions by bringing love into the chakras.

Amazonite – Opens the Heart and Throat Chakras. An inspiring stone. Aligns the physical body with the mental body while improving intuition. A soothing and calming stone that brings joy and an understanding of universal love. Helps you to speak your true feelings. Stimulates creative expression. 

Amethyst - Opens the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. A calming stone. A strong vibration stone, it quiets the mind and encourages deep restful sleep.  An ideal stone for attaining a more focused and deeper state during meditation and enhancing psychic and channeling abilities. A protection stone that dissolves negativity. Provides comfort during periods of great sadness and stress and calms an overactive mind. 

Ametrine - Opens the Solar Plexus, Crown  and Soul Star Chakras. Combines the properties of Amethyst and Citrine. Enhances mental clarity to improve meditation. Aids the development of astral projection by connecting your spiritual realm to your physical realm. Helps to eliminate negative energies from your aura. 

Angelite - Opens the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras - A very calming stone. It helps to stabilize emotions and improve spiritual based communications. Aids connections with spirit guides and angels while increasing the ability to psychically hear and work with them. Increases the angelic protection to oneself and one’s home. Brings in a joyous energy into your auric field to help alleviate stress and anxiety.

Apatite – Opens the Throat and Third Eye Chakras - Helps release guilt and negativity about oneself and gain greater self-confidence to accept yourself as you are. Aids in letting go of pain to accept peace and joy. Cleanses your auric field and helps to attain a higher level of spiritual guidance and stimulate your psychic gifts.

Aquamarine – Opens the Throat Chakra - A stone of courage. Provides emotional stability and clarity of mind. Calms nerves while helping to banish fears, doubts and phobias. Encourages you to make positive life changes and gives you the courage to do so.

Aventurine, Green - Opens the Heart Chakra.  A stone of luck. Soothes physical and emotional heart pain while relieving anxiety and fear. Builds self-confidence and improves leadership skills. A stone to motivate and encourage positive attitudes that allow you to handle life changes. Aids in seeing alternatives and possibilities. 

Aventurine, Peach - Opens the Sacral Chakra. As an emotional healer, it soothes stress and worry. Helps you to overcome challenges in your life by encouraging perseverance, determination and inspires new ideas. Improves your feeling of self-worth and enhances your leadership qualities. Brings growth, luck and abundance into your life. Enhances creativity by tapping into your intuitive abilities.


Azurite – Opens the Third Eye Chakra. A stone for the mind and soul. Cleanses the mind, initiates transformation and awakens psychic abilities. Helps to deepen your vision and connect you with your spirit guides. Enhances inspiration and creativity by maintaining mental clarity. Its calming vibrations relieves stress by helping to dissolve energy blocks and negativity.

Black Tourmaline - Opens the Earth Star and Root Chakras. Acts as a protective energy shield and transmutes negative energy into positive energy. Activates the ability to ground and center. Heals fear and panic, brings a sense of safety and security.  Encourages positive attitudes, good luck and happiness. Instills confidence, enhancing understanding and inspiration while letting go of negativity, self-doubt and anxiety. 

Bloodstone - Opens the Root and Sacral Chakras. A powerful healing stone of renewal and strength of mind. Instills wisdom while helping to develop your intuition. Helps to balance your energies when feeling stressed and gives you confidence to face your challenges.. Repels negative energies from your auric field.

Bronzite - Opens the Root and Sacral Chakra. Known as the stone of focused action. A grounding and protection stone that has the ability to repel and send negative energies back to the sender. Aids the ability to make choices and decisions about one's life and life path. Helps release heavy emotions that have been weighing you down. Clears confusion by reducing choices to the essentials and the one choice for the path you are currently taking. 

Calcite – Opens the Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras. An amplification stone. Clears negative energies from the environment and replaces them with positive energies. Helps to heal emotional wounds by letting go of past memories and alleviating fear. Helps you to grow your psychic gifts and improve memory.

Carnelian – Opens the Root and Sacral Chakras. A stone of courage. Aids concentration and memory while stimulating creative expression. Instills confidence to help ease feelings of anxiety and fear. Builds trust in yourself to help you move forward in a new direction in life.

Celestite - Opens the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Its positive and high vibrations help calm your mind and improve mental focus and clarity. Connect you to your guardian angel to help develop your psychic gifts and builds stronger intuition. 

Chrysoprase – Opens the Heart Chakra. Instills a sense of grace. Helps to clarify personal problems and fosters forgiveness. Balances the emotions and promotes inner peace. Releases energies that are you holding you back and while elevating feelings of happiness. 

Charoite – Opens the Third Eye and Crown Chakra. A stone of transformation. Stimulates spirituality and inner visions allowing you to see your higher plan. A highly protective stone that guards against psychic attack while providing emotional healing. Helps to relieve stress by grounding excess energy and promotes a sense of calmness. 

Citrine - Opens the Sacral, Solar Plexus and Crown Chakras. An abundance stone. Attracts and maintains abundance when used while setting affirmations. When developing your intuition, Citrine stimulates the intellect and mental activity. Clears and aligns your aura bodies while filling your aura with light and clarity. Brings joy into your life while soothing fear and anxiety.

Clear Quartz – Opens the Crown andSoul Star Chakras. The energy stone. A powerful healing stone that amplifies energies and thoughts and clears negative energies at all levels.  Detoxifies all the chakras and aura and fills them with white spiritual light. Enhances psychic abilities and aids communication with every dimension. 

Copper - Copper is not only a beautiful metal but it offers many powerful healing benefits. Copper is a grounding metal for the body and spirit. All copper beads used in the shop are 100 percent solid copper beads - I do not use plated beads to ensure no mixed metal energies that may disrupt or confuse the flow of energy. Copper is a naturally occurring metal with wonderful elemental energy - it is an energy conductor which can move energy, amplify thoughts and assists communication with higher dimensional beings. It is beneficial for all spiritual and healing purposes. Copper smoothly transmits crystals energy to the wearer. Works with all chakras and stimulates the flow of energy (chi) - helps to pull energy from higher realms down into the physical world. It enhances psychic abilities. Connects to the earth and amplifies thoughts when sending and receiving psychic communication with higher dimensional beings.

Physically, copper is believed to support healing by keeping the pathways for healing open. It is used to aid in the relief of headaches, ease the pain of arthritis and joint pain by opening the flow of blocked energies. Helps with zinc deficiencies, builds up the immune system, sexual instability, low energy, supports tissues and red blood cells. Copper not only protects the blood against disease but it also stimulates the hormones and vitamins that are transported through the blood. 

Dumortierite – Opens the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Enhances organizational abilities and self - discipline. A stone of peace, order and expression. Helps to stimulate the brain and is believed to enhance intellectual abilities by strengthening mathematical and language development. Helps expel fear, boost courage and aid the release of both stubborn willfulness and personal addictions. Assists your ability to take control of your life and increases patience. If you have the potential to develop psychic powers, it is a powerful stone to amplify many psychic gifts.

Fluorite – Opens the Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakra. A stone of higher understanding. Assists in increasing your intuitive abilities and develops a connection with your spirit guides. A valuable protection stone as it helps shield your aura from psychic manipulation. Helps to cleanse your aura and chakras of negative energies and stress. It encourages positive thoughts, increases concentration and aids in decision making.

Garnet - Opens the Root and Heart Chakras. A stone of the heart, love and compassion. Balances and purifies the body’s energy field. Stimulates your life force and clears negative energies from your chakras. Repels disharmonious others from your aura energy and helps to alleviate fear and insecurities.  

Hematite – Opens the Root Chakra. The anti-stress stone. Its strong vibration grounds, stabilizes and protects you while helping to release negative energies. Helps to release anger and rage you have been holding onto. Balances and aligns your chakras by pulling excess light energies from the upper chakras down through your Root.  Enhances mental capabilities and encourages optimism. Stimulates the mind to help improve focus to obtain a deeper and calmer state of concentration. 

Hemimorphite – Opens the Throat and Third Eye Chakras - A creative stone. Increases your confidence to creatively express yourself and communicate your ideas. Its balancing energies helps to reduce anger and promote a sense of well-being. Encourages you to take responsibility for your own happiness.

Howlite – A calming stone.  Opens the Crown Chakra. Reduces stress and encourages patience with its soothing vibration energies. Aids communication and emotional expression while helping to let go of distractive thoughts.

Iolite – Opens the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. A stone for expanding your psychic abilities and increasing intuition. It gently heightens your spirituality and protects you during psychic exploration. Quiets a restless mind during meditation. Stimulates the imagination and intuitive insight and helps to connect with angelic beings. 

Jade – A harmony stone. Its subtle energies help to foster a peaceful and nurturing environment.

Yellow Jade opens the Solar Plexus Chakra. Aids meditation and visualization while promoting a peaceful mind. Helps to let go of selfishness and greedy feelings while heightening compassion. 

White opens the Crown Chakra. Its calming and grounding energies bring in harmonious energies to your aura. Increases intuition and blocks mental distractions, helping you to see the most relevant information while making decisions. 

Ocean Jasper - . Opens the Solar Plexus Chakra. A healing stone for mindful expansion. An excellent healing stone that elevates your spirit. Enhances your understanding of self by shifting the solar plexus energies to work with the throat and heart chakras, which assists your ability to speak in a positive light. Provides strength to let go of bad memories and mistakes that were made and allow for forgiveness and wisdom.


Mookaite Jasper – Opens the Root, Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras. A calming stone. Its supportive and calming energies help guide you when faced with new situations. Helps stimulate your intuitive abilities, allowing you to clearly see the correct path you are to take when at a turning point in your life. Helps to heal unwanted inherited energies that may prevent you from living your best self.

Red Jasper – Opens the Earth Star, Root and  SacralChakras.  A balancing stone. Awakens, raises and balances kundalini energies while cleansing your auric energies. Pulls energy through the base chakra and grounds it to the Earth. Provides a strong sense of emotional stability, allowing you to remain centered and provide insight when faced with difficult decisions. 

Kunzite – Opens the Heart Chakra. A stone of the heart. Its soothing and calming energies aids self-esteem and opens the heart to trust and love. Aids the heart’s ability to forgive and heal negative emotions. Encourages a deep and centered meditative state while aiding communications with spirit guides, especially for self-healing.

Kyanite – Opens the Throat Chakra. A stone for self-expression. Helps you to honestly speak your truths as well as enhancing communications with spirit guides. Calms the mind to allow for a more relaxed and tranquil meditative state. Helps transfer higher healing energies throughout your physical body by gently removing energy blocks found within, allowing these energies to move freely through your body. 

Labradorite - Opens the Throat, Third Eye, Crown and Soul Star Chakras. A protection stone that balances and clears your aura of negative energies while protecting it from energy leaks. Encourages patience and perseverance and an understanding of inner knowledge. Fosters contact with your spirit guides and builds your psychic gifts by improving your intuitive abilities. Helps you to see your life's purpose while providing a transformative and intense energy. 

Lapis Lazuli – Opens the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. A stone for the mind.  Increases psychic awareness and intellect by heightening vibrations of truth. Promotes clarity and understanding of thoughts while releasing negative thoughts and anger. Encourages you to express yourself clearly and honestly. 

Lava - Opens the Root Chakra. Stone of strength and courage. Provides stability, increases energy and vitality. Helps to provide swift actions towards long - sought after goals. A stone of rebirth, helps to shed unneeded layers of emotional attachment. Cleanses negativity and helps with anger management. Helps you to see where modification to your character can be beneficial.

* When using as a diffuser - simply rub 1-2 drops of essential oil into the lava bead.

Lepidolite - Opens the Heart, Third Eye and Crown Chakras. An uplifting stone. Balances the emotions by easing stresses to help ward off depression. Enhances openness, honestly and self-love. Supports in the release of addictions. Its high spiritual vibrations help guide you to achieve a deeper state of meditation. Called by some as the Guardian Angel stone, Lepidolite helps you to connect with your innermost center of self as well as with your Guardian Angels. 

Lepidocrocite - 

Malachite – Opens the Heart and Throat Chakras. A stone of the heart. Balances and clarifies the emotions by clearing the subconscious and removing emotional blocks. Protects against psychic attacks and others’ negativity. Deepens your ability to be open to synchronicity and coincidence, helping you to see the correct path needed to change your life. Provides a sense of courage to creatively take action during times of stress.  

Merlinite - Opens the Root and Third Eye Chakras. A grounding stone that may help stimulate focus to over come mental distractions, awakens psychic knowing, and deepens intuition. Helps you to see bad habits that are detrimental to your life’s path. Giving you the confidence you need to make appropriate changes that are necessary to bring your life’s path back towards the right direction.

Moonstone – Opens the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras. A stone for the emotions. Its healing vibrations aids in releasing strain and tension to help balance the emotions. Powerfully stimulates confidence, encourages intuitiveness, perception and understanding. Heals the astral body with loving white light energies and provides courage while developing and growing your psychic gifts.

Green Moonstone - Opens the Heart Chakra. Calms, balances and grounds your emotions to help relieve stress and ease anxiety while encouraging a sense of personal well-being. Helps you to just “go with the flow” by stimulating your intuition and increasing your self-confidence.

Morganite – Opens the Heart Chakra. A stone for the heart. Helping you to connect with the angelic realm through the heart chakra to receive messages and wisdom from your guides, angels and guardians. A gentle stone that allows for a gentle release of emotions while nurturing the emotional body. It eases the pain of old emotional wounds and forgotten traumas. Helps to allow love flow through your life.

Obsidian – Opens the Earth Star and Root Chakras. The protection stone. Powerfully grounds excess energy from within and shields against others negative energies. Stabilizes disharmony to ease feelings of fear and panic. Helps you to see your inner flaws and provides an understanding on how to correct those flaws.

Onyx - Opens the Root Chakra. The strength stone. Absorbs and transforms negative energy, reduces stress and encourages self-control. Encourages happiness and good fortune with its harmonizing vibrations. Helps you to clearly see your inner truth.

Peridot - Opens the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra. A prosperity stone. Its strong positive energy heals emotional pain and inspires happiness. It’s calming vibrations helps you to release feelings of anger and jealousy. Increases confidence, mental focus and strength to persevere.

Prehnite - Opens the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakra. A stone for the healer. Its calming vibrations bring in inner peace and joy and helps to alleviate worrisome feelings. Helps you to achieve your goals by increasing your willpower and releasing your fears. Deepens your intuition and connections with angels and spirit guides. 

Pyrite – Opens the Root Chakra. A stone of strength and courage. Provides stability, increases energy and vitality. Helps to provide swift actions towards long - sought after goals. A stone of rebirth, helps to shed unneeded layers of emotional attachment. Cleanses negativity and helps with anger management. Helps you to see where modification to your character can be beneficial.

Clear Quartz – Opens the Crown and Soul Star Chakras. The energy stone. Its strong healing vibrations amplifies energies and promotes clear thinking. Receives, stores and transmits energy. Clears negative energies at all levels. Protects your aura and sacred spaces from negative energies. Detoxifies the chakras and your aura fills them with white light. Aids communications with every dimension.

Rose Quartz – Opens the Heart Chakra. The love stone. Encourages compassion and harmony. Provides healing through self-love and self-esteem. Heals the emotional body from heartache and loneliness. Eases fear and soothes grief. Helps to let go of frustrations and feelings of jealousy.

Rutilated Quartz – Opens all Chakras. Enhances insight to clearly understand problems and let go of things that no longer serve you well. Magnifies the positive energy within your aura and repels negative energies and energy blocks. Cleanses and stabilizes the aura and helps to relieve fears, phobias and anxiety.

Smoky Quartz – Opens the Earth Star, Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. A protection stone. Dispels negativity and releases emotional blocks through grounding and allows positive energies to take their place. Heals fear, depression, addictions and obsessions with its calming vibrations. Helps you to let go of negative thought patterns.

Tourmalinated Quartz - Opens the Root, Third Eye and Crown Chakras.  Combines the qualities of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline. A powerful spiritual grounding and psychic protection stone. Clears your auric field of negativity and replaces it with positive energies.

Rhodochrosite - Opens the Heart Chakra. A stone of unconditional love. Balances and heals the emotional body with its comforting healing vibrations. Increases self-love by healing old emotional wounds and negative thought patterns. Provides courage to make changes that are necessary to achieve happiness.

Rhodonite – Opens the Heart Chakra. The compassion stone. Its healing vibrations increase self-esteem and confidence. Helps to reduce anxiety and balances the emotions by releasing fears that you are holding onto. Stimulates acceptance, forgiveness and unconditional love towards others. 

Rosewood – Opens the Heart Chakra. It accentuates the feeling of love and compassion with its graceful and soothing grounding energy. Increases intuition and spiritual healing.

Ruby Zoisite (Anyolite) - Opens the Root and Heart Chakra. The joy stone. Transmutes negative feelings into positive feelings. Heals your heart from pain and sorrow during periods of emotional stress. Soothes anxious thoughts and mood swings with its balancing energies.

Sardonyx - 

Selenite – Opens the Third Eye, Crown and Soul Star Chakras. A stone for clarity. Helps you to quickly connect to the higher realms and spirit guides for guidance and clarity of mind. Useful for all types of spiritual work and energy clearing. Its calming energies help you to attain tranquility and create peaceful surroundings. 


Shungite – Opens the Earth Star and Root Chakras. The purity stone. A strong healing stone that contains fullerenes, a powerful anti-oxidant that is believed to absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life. It fills your aura with white light and shields your physical body and aura from negative energies, especially EMF’s. A powerful stone for grounding you to the earth. Its stabilizing vibrations help to balance your emotions and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

Sodalite - Opens the Throat and Third Eye Chakras. The truth stone. Rationalizes and aids clear thinking, bringing clarity and truth. Enhances communication by helping you to effectively verbalize your feelings. Its inspiring vibrations increase creative expression, confidence and self-esteem. Accelerates the development of psychic abilities and deepens your intuition.  

Sunstone – Opens the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. A stone of good luck. Clears negative thought patterns that diminish your self-worth and confidence. Helps you to move forward by awakening your inner strength, reducing fear and increasing vitality. Brings joy into your life by manifesting your life purpose.


Yellow Tiger Eye - Opens the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. A stone of good luck. Clears negative energy from your energy field and returns it back to the sender. Its healing vibrations bring in feelings of cheerfulness and optimism reducing fear and anxiety. Helps to focus the mind and encourages clear and logical thinking.


Red Tiger Eye – Opens the Root Chakra. A motivating stone. 


Pink Tourmaline – Opens the Heart Chakra. An emotionally positive and supportive stone. Balances the energy flow by removing blockages and negativity from your aura and helps to transform the negative energy into positive emotional energy. Promotes compassion for yourself and others with its deeply comforting loving energies.


Turquoise – Opens the Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakras. The peace stone. Enhances truthful communication and stimulates creative expression. Its calming vibrations brings peace of mind, wisdom and understanding. Protects by dispelling negative energies and increases loving energies. 


Unakite - Opens the Heart Chakra. The vision stone. Gently, it balances the emotions and gives an awareness and understanding of negativity and subconscious blocks that may be holding you back. Helps to facilitate the rebirthing process and clearing of toxic emotions and old pain. It encourages self-love and self-growth allowing your being to become more centered.